Tuesday, May 21, 2019
To have an engaging social media marketing campaign, that focused around a business, you must create a fun and entertaining campaign if people are going to pay attention; we correlate this to a company party. If your agenda is to deliver your year-end financials, message from the CEO and staff updates, who would want to go to the “party” if that’s all it was? No one would. So, there’s nice invitations, appetizers, photo booths, drinks, dinner, table settings, office skits and so on to create a fun environment to deliver what the real message is – not so fun business messages. In this dynamic of creating fun and delivering messages, the content is the food of the party; which is a crucial part of a successful party.
When you think of content, what comes to your mind? the textbook definition says Content refers to what an author desires to say or write. But in today’s competitive digital world it is much more than that – it is said that content is the king and according to the marketers, content should be delivered to the right people, at the right time, in the right format, in the right platform, in the right version.
In today’s Walibu Wednesday, we are relating “Content” with “Food of the Party” to make the concept more interesting and relatable. In both cases, the effects on the consumer are the same: trust or disdain, appetite or loss of it, delight or distaste, satiation of having our needs met, or the bitter taste of dissatisfaction.
Imagine a brand’s digital presence as a dinner party and the food served is the content. The host might have bought the best raw ingredients, but they need to be prepared and combined keeping in consideration the dimensions – texture, and taste. Here you will need the right kitchen appliances, skilled chefs, great flavors, premium culinary and most important the right presentation.
Let’s talk more about the content kitchen:
The first thing we do while we begin with any good dining is identifying and collecting the right ingredients, to be sliced, diced, grated – whatever we need to do to create the perfect meal.
Here the fresh, healthy, ingredients that we are referring to are, of course, bites of useful & well-formed content. Content professionals need to identify, collect & unwrap the right content from its source and use it in its best form.
To make the dish tasty and presentable, we will need the right tools - sharp knives, a good food processor, an oven that bakes at the right temperature, etc.
To get an idea - You can cook eggs in many ways, each method requiring the different tools and each method will end up giving the eggs a different flavor and taste. In the content kitchen, we should have the right appliances to process the content for several “recipes”.
Choosing the right food processor plays a very important role in cooking, similarly to choose the right Content Management System plays a vital role in Digital Marketing, as you will need to identify the channels & skills that are right fit for your content to perform in the most effective and efficient way.
A Dinner Party is successful when the taste of the meal meets the expectations of the guests. Similarly, for content, it is important that the right content is served to the guests who are willing or interested in consuming it. And when the perfect path is followed - the appetizers are served, the main course, then dessert, and followed with the after-dinner drinks, becoming a perfect Dinner Party! They showed up, enjoyed the party, received the message and checked out.
Walibu can help you design, develop and maintain a strong content foundation helping you elevate the Digital Presence for your business. To Get Started email us at team@walibu.com and we will get back to you right away!
Feel free to reach out to us if you are interested in improving the online presence of your business. Our passionate and enthusiastic team will be very happy to help you grow your business. If you have any questions about this let us know!